Next week I start my new job.
Next week is Owen's last week of her first year of school. Not that there will be any schooling to the week: Field Day, class picnic and water day, Kindergarten graduation. Then she'll be off to the beach with my mom. Still, it seems like she just started school yesterday, cliche though that statement sounds.
Next week, Barrett starts preschool camp. I'm quite nervous about this, especially as I won't be taking her those first days (Paul will). Actually, though, she'll probably do better that way. Honestly, I might do better, too. {Edited to add: Well, scratch that--I just received word that Barrett is not eligible for the preschool summer camp. It's for 4 and 5 year-olds. Just a misunderstanding. BUT that means I have nothing for her for summer except the same three-hours-two-days-a-week program as before and am scrambling to figure it out here at the last minute. UGH!}
Next week, Paul has to get busy with his summer of research. He has to come up with and make some progress on his dissertation topic by fall.
Next week the busyness of our summer hits full force.
But this weekend we're spending together, as a family. This weekend is for us.
And that's just the way I like it.